Monday, October 31, 2011


Another month and he's 4 months.  He's growing quick, and very anxious to see his Tigers wipe up the Tide this weekend!

Turner gets jealous if you play with Brody too much, so I have to divide my attention.
 Everybody say "Awww"

And of course it is Halloween.  Here are the pics you really came here to see.  He started out the day as a Zebra in Olivia's old costume.

But that couldn't last long as the cajun in him came out.  Crawfish time!

I think he is trying to crawl backwards in this one.

Time to try out the claws!

A crawfish costume wouldn't be complete with out a big metal pot, and this sign our neighbors loaned us!

All is good until he fell into the pot!

Mom to the rescue

Then it was on to his first halloween party, pot in tow to hang out with his monkey friends.

And thats it folks...